Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The blame game

Remember when just a couple months ago the gas price was around four dollars a gallon? I do.

And I remember how the Democrats and the media were screaming, trying to blame it on Bush and his policies.

Now that the gallon of gas is below two dollars, at it's lowest point since two years, did any of you hear the Democrats or the media give credit to Bush?...I didn't think so.

I also remember reporters jumping joyfully up and down after the election night, giddy to report any gains on Wall Street and attribute them to Barack Obama's victory.

That didn't happen. Wall Street greeted his election win by plunging nearly 500 points on Wednesday and it was down again Thursday. The marketwide drop was the largest to follow any presidential election in the United States, following a nearly 300-point gain in the Dow on Tuesday that was the largest-ever gain on an election day.

That is not Obama's fault of course.

But when the expected gains did not materialize, the very same reporters did not try to tie the investor's reaction to the election results, but they would have done so had Wall Street reacted positively.


Anonymous said...

I bet you have heard of 'demand and supply'. As the demand goes down, the prices fall. Any guesses on why demand for gas is going down? Its probably because people don't have any money to take vacations and long driving trips, considering the economic conditions we are in currently. I could be wrong of course, and it could be the leadership and smart economic policies of Bush administration making the price of gas fall!!

Igor said...

Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it.

Yes, you are right, the gas price is set by demand and supply.

My point was that no matter where the gas price is, high or low, President Bush gets the blame. When it's high, it's because he is in collusion with Big Oil. When it's low, it's because he caused the economic downturn, even though the Congress is responsible for that.

I guess it comes with being President. President-elect Barack Obama will have to suffer through this as well.

Please keep your comments coming!